Home Training


Ongoing training is critical to employee safety, a cornerstone of IMWCA’s mission. Explore IMWCA’s various opportunities and resources.

IMWCA University

Ongoing training is critical to employee safety, a cornerstone of IMWCA’s mission. Our annual IMWCA University offers training on a broad range of topics aimed directly at Iowa’s local government employees: safety coordinators, managers, municipal staff, elected officials, and agents.


We offer an online training platform, NeoGov’s Learn. The Learn platform provides our members with over 300 titles for safety, human resources and other relevant topics to help local governments manage their employees.

IMWCA University

Our annual IMWCA University – formerly known as the One-Day Safety University – offers training on a broad range of topics aimed directly at Iowa’s local government employees, including safety coordinators, managers, city staff, elected officials and agents.

On-site Training by IMWCA (Non-OSHA)

Need training on non-OSHA matters? Fill out this form to have IMWCA safety and risk improvement advisers visit your facility.

Track Your Training

Need help to track your employee’s training? We have useful resources for recordkeeping of various yearly requirements.

Model Programs

Use these model safety programs to address concerns within your organization. They are designed to customize to fit your organization and address various OSHA standards.

Safety Grant and Implementation Award

The Safety Study Grant and Safety Implementation Award programs seek to encourage innovative ideas for improving employees’ safety within the IMWCA membership and to share projects developed and implemented by members to reduce or eliminate significant safety exposures in the workplace. The programs also demonstrate that those involved with local government are progressive, caring and committed to their employees.


IMWCA has a variety of videos to help your organization on safety issues, the renewal process, human resources and more.