The application process needs the following information to complete the underwriting process of new applicants:
The local agent completes an ACORD 130 application with the applicant’s assistance, has it signed by the appropriate applicant representative and submits to IMWCA through our website.
At least five years of loss runs from the current insurance provider must accompany the application.
If the applicant is an entity other than a city or county, the document and or agreement, creating the entity must also be included.
Current insurance provider’s declaration page and/or premium page showing current policy payrolls and Experience Modification Factor, if available.
The date IMWCA’s quote is needed.
If you are applying for coverage and your city has a fire department, your fire department must agree to comply with IMWCA’s firefighter criteria to become members of IMWCA. The Firefighter Criteria Agreement will need to be included with the application for IMWCA to release a quote.
In general, IMWCA will need 30 days from the time an application is submitted to quote issuance. IMWCA may request additional information as needed.