chapter 411 Firefighters and police officers standing in front of fire station and vehicles
Home Underwriting Coverages Chapter 411 Medical Only

Chapter 411 Medical Only

Chapter 411 in the Iowa Code provides benefits to firefighters and police. Iowa Code Chapter 85 excludes full-time firefighters and police officers participating in the Municipal Fire and Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI) from workers’ compensation coverage. As the Code makes cities responsible for paying these medical benefits, IMWCA offers our members medical-only payment coverage for these employees. Want to learn more?

Chapter 411 of Iowa Code

Chapter 411 of the Iowa Code sets the guidelines for a retirement system for police and firefighters, which will provide for the payment of pensions to retired members and members incurring disabilities and to the surviving spouses and dependents of deceased members.


The MFPRSI system provides a comprehensive set of retirement and disability benefits to eligible local police officers and firefighters in a sound, sustainable, and efficient manner in accordance with the requirements of the program’s governing statute

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