Home Claims Contact IMWCA Claims Contact IMWCA Claims Your InformationName* Your Email Address* Your Phone Number*Organization You are Representing or Employers Name* Your Request for our Claims ExaminersTo make sure your request is handled as quickly as possible, all of our claims examiners will be notified of your request.RecipientClaimsRequest Type*Select request type for contact…I'm an injured worker with a claimI have a medical bill to addressI'm a supervisor checking on a claimI'm a medical provider needing authorizationMedical Records inquiryI need to report a new claimOtherIMWCA Claim Number or Company Nurse Incident Number* Please provide a claim or incident number. Please call Company Nurse at 888-770-0928 to report a new claimReporting your claim through Company Nurse makes sure claims are filed and reported properly. If you’ve already filed a report with Company Nurse, please select “I’m an injured worker…” as your request type.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Having trouble using this form? Call or email us: (800) 257-2708 imwcainfo@iowaleague.org