IMWCA Safety Study Implementation Grant The Safety Study Implementation grant will allow members to apply for funding to implement successful safety studies in their organizations. Each grant application is capped at $10,000. IMWCA Safety Study Implementation Grant Application Organization Contact Name First Last Contact Email Mailing Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Total Number of Employees *Summer Seasonal Employees Do Not Qualify Hazards to be Addressed in Application (please check all that apply) Injury Prevention Back Injury CPR/AED Right to Know/Hazard Communication Ergonomics Fire Electrical Slip/Fall Wellbeing/Employee Development Other (explain) Other Hazard To Be Addressed Total Amount Requested Tell Us About Your IssuesBriefly describe the nature of the issues including a description of what training and services will be implemented. Be sure to state how you plan to implement your project and the long term goal.What Are Your Implementation GoalsIdentify and describe the injury history of the targeted occupation(s) (if any), or preventative safety issues you intend to address in this proposal. Connect the safety training and implementation with the work the employee performs. Δ