Home Communication News Fireworks Safety and Proper Disposal

Fireworks Safety and Proper Disposal

Posted on Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Informer | June #2

Fireworks Safety Reminder Background Before The Holidays

The Independence Day celebrations are quickly approaching. These celebrations often include setting off various types of fireworks at our homes. It is important to remember that fireworks must be used with caution as they can cause significant injuries and/or property damage.

It is also important to properly store and dispose of your fireworks. Used fireworks debris should be allowed to cool before being placed in the trash. Unused, misfired, or “dud” fireworks can cause or contribute to fires in trash cans, garbage collection trucks or disposal facilities if not safely disposed of. 

Household Disposal Tips (IDNR):

  • Completely submerge fireworks in a large bucket of water and soak them overnight.
  • Wrap the completely soaked fireworks in plastic wrap or two plastic bags so they do not dry out.
  • Place the bagged fireworks in the household trash or take them to your local landfill.
  • Contact your local fire department or landfill as other disposal options may be available in your community.
  • Never put un-soaked fireworks in the garbage. They pose a fire/explosion hazard to people and property.

Helpful Fireworks Resources

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