Advisory Committee Survey Advisory Committee Survey 1. In your role how much time does workers’ compensation take up in your day? 25% or less 25%-50% 50%-75% 75%-100% 2. What are the main challenges your organization is facing as it relates to workers’ compensation and safety? 3. How satisfied are you with the Advisory Committee meetings? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 4. Please provide your thoughts on the number of meetings per year, length of meetings, and topics discussed. 5. How satisfied are you with the assistance and direction given by your Safety and Risk Improvement Adviser? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 6. Please provide your thoughts on the length and topics of the site visits, pros and cons. 7. How satisfied are you with the assistance and direction given by the Human Resource and Management Adviser? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 8. How satisfied are you with Grant Program? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 9. How satisfied are you with NeoGov LEARN training? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 10. How satisfied are you with IMWCA website content? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 11. How satisfied are you with IMWCA On-site training? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 12. How satisfied are you with Informer content? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 13. How satisfied are you with underwriting and renewal process? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 14. How satisfied are you with financial and billing process? 1) Very Satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 6) N/A 15. Additional Comments on Questions 7-14 Δ